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By Moody Moons, Green Witch

10 Magical Uses for Lavender

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Written by: Lumina Indigo (Moody Moons)


Reviewed by: Tina Caro

It’s everyone’s favorite herb.  It smells heavenly, it burns beautifully and it looks lovely.  And you probably have a ton of it just waiting to be used.  Here’s some ideas for putting it to work.

Dream Salves

Dream pillows and sachets are a common magical craft for promoting powerful visions and insights or to ward off nightmares during your sleep sessions,

Lesser known (and perhaps more potent) are dreaming salves.  These creams are infused with herbs and essential oils especially intended to make your dream life a sacred experience.

Try this recipe for mint & lavender dream salve for a mystical nighttime indulgence.

Calming Ritual Bath Blends

Imbolc DIY Oatmeal & Honey Milk Bath with Lavender

Add lavender to ritual baths to promote calm, insight, and spiritual healing.

Try this oatmeal and lavender milk bath to soothe your soul and open up your second sight.

To ease conflict or turmoil.

If you’ve had a difficult confrontation with a friend, family member, or co-worker lately, lavender helps to ease relationship tension.

Dilute some lavender essential oil in a carrier oil like olive or jojoba.  Then, rub it on your heart center to help keep your emotions in check and maintain your grace.

Bonus:  You’ll also smell super pretty.

Kitchen Witch Spells

Lavender is both magically powerful and edible.  Which makes it an ideal ingredient in kitchen witch recipes.

Try making lavender syrup for a cocktail potion.  

Or, use dried lavender on these flower cookies.

Burn It During Meditation

This herb is a powerful aid for visualization as well as focusing your thoughts.

Ignite lavender in a fire-safe bowl or cauldron during meditation to promote clairvoyance and open your third sight.

In Faerie Cream

Spell creams: The new trend in witchy self-care.

Use this beautiful floral to honor the spirits of the woodlands.

Try this recipe for faerie spell cream and use it generously to encourage connection to the unseen world of spirits.

In glamour spells

This flower is known for its swan-like energy.  Add lavender to spells for beauty, grace and elegance.  An ideal ingredient in glamour spells to enhance your natural poise.

Make incense wands out of it.

Use lavender in floral incense wands.  You can mix it with other blooms or make them from lavender alone.  Either way, they are a gorgeous addition and the dried flowers smell beautiful when burned.

Home blessing after a disruption.

How to use lavender in magic, ritual and spell craft.

The calming effects of this herb are profoundly soothing after periods of unrest in the home.

This could be a period after a heated argument (all families argue sometimes, let’s be honest!)

But it could just be the period of time after someone moves in or out.  Even when this is a positive thing (kids go away to college, new roommate in your flat) it is still disruptive and a little magical energy to settle the vibrations can be helpful.

Make flower crowns for festivals. 

You know those flower crowns you see at moon circles and festivals?  They’re super easy to make, and flower crowns made from lavender are especially beautiful for summer events.

Best done with fresh lavender, this flower can be made into flower crowns and it dries really well.  These instructions are for a winter hair wreath, but you can do the same with lavender.  For best results, use fresh flowers!

What Else Can You Do With Lavender?

Lavender has always been used in magic rituals for its calming, sedative and peacemaking effects, as an aid in the purification rituals of the rooms, especially in the reception of the new born.

It is auspicious. It is indicated as a decorative herb of the Altar during the Litha (the midsummer solstice, 21 June) and for Lunghnassadh (1 August).

In the Handfasting (the neo-pagan union ritual), lavender plays the role of protector of marriage, bringing love and fertility.

It is woven into the bride’s crown, added to the dishes, especially in the wedding cake, and drunk in the ritual cup.

If it’s planted around the house it gives protection and serenity, it helps to calm the spirit and to remove the bad moods. It is used to prepare candles and pillows. It helps to sleep peacefully.


Lavender is a potent plant, used in purification rites, to ward off negativity, misfortune and bad mood.

Peace and love

Furthermore, it promotes happiness, love, the attainment of inner peace. If used together with other herbs, it enhances their effectiveness.


It protects the inhabitants and is made to dry in a bunch and hung behind the front door. If worn, it protects from the evil eye.

Lavender has always been used in rituals and love bags. The flowers, if burned, combine sleep, if scattered around the house give tranquility.


It is an antidepressant herb.

It is even said that just looking at it can bring serenity to restless souls, perhaps also thanks to its color.

The stems can be burned like incense sticks to eliminate the smell of smoke from the house, perfume the environment, and purify it of negative energies.

In magic, the plant, thanks to its purifying and defensive virtues, is perfect in the preparation of incense and similar mixtures.

It is said to be functioning in attraction spells like Success and Fortune, and in fighting love ligaments.

Lavender Incense Recipe

You can collect the stems to make batches of them to burn them as incense.

You must put them together with some thread to get a torch.

Once lit on a high flame, you must put it out shortly after (in about one or two minutes).

It will make a dense and bluish aromatic smoke.

The dried leaves can be used as a bed to place embers or burning-incense coals.

Lavender Purification Bath from Negativity

Boil a handful of angelica, hypericum, lavender, and rosemary flowers in a liter of water, and leave to infuse for ten minutes, then turn off the heat and leave to cool.

Finally, filter and add the mixture to your bath.

It is important to stay in the warm water as long as possible and repeat the bath every day for a week, in case you feel threatened by negative events, envy, etc.

Lavender Oil

Soak fresh flowering tops harvested in the balsamic period (July-August) in extra-virgin olive oil (possibly organic and cold-pressed).

Close the oil in a glass jar and expose it to sunlight for a month, shaking it once a day.

After a month, filter and squeeze the flowers, and store the oil in bottles/jars of dark glass, keeping them in the dark and dry place.

This oil can be used to grease candles, but also to cleanse the skin of impurities, to soothe the itching of insect bites. It also helps in case of redness, irritation, abrasion, and burns.

Friendship Bag

To strengthen a friendship, take white silk or cotton cloth, sew it on the sides and close it with a ribbon of the same color.

Inside the bag place seven chamomile heads, a lilac ribbon, three ears of lavender, a piece of pink quartz. Share it with your friend.

Child Protection Talisman

Collect three oak twigs, three pine branches, and some spikes of lavender, combine them with a wire, then tie them with a red ribbon.

Under the talisman, attach silver-colored bells to call the fairies to protect your children.

10 Ways to Use Lavender in Spells, Magic and Witchcraft

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About Lumina (Moody Moons' Founder)

Lumina Indigo began Moody Moons in 2012 to produce beautiful, elegant, intriguing content of interest to the magical and witchcraft community.

She specializes in in-depth research and reporting on various topics in modern spirituality.

With over 20 years of experience with the modern pagan community, Lumina is a professional tarot reader, and a kitchen witch culinary wizard.

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