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Candle Magic

7 Ways to Use Orange Candles in Witchcraft (DIY With Pictures)


Written by: Tina Caro

An orange candle is a vibrant tool associated with creativity, success, joy, and motivation.

Whether you want to boost your confidence, spark inspiration, or attract new opportunities, the warm glow of an orange candle can infuse your life with uplifting energy.

Here are several ways to use orange candles to enhance creativity, optimism, and personal power.

Using Orange Candles in Witchcraft

For Boosting Creativity & Inspiration

Orange is the color of creativity, artistic expression, and fresh ideas. If you’re struggling with writer’s block, lack of inspiration, or need a creative spark, an orange candle can help awaken your imagination.

orange candles For Boosting Creativity

How to do it:

  1. Carve a symbol of creativity (such as a quill, paintbrush, or spiral) into the candle’s wax.
  2. Anoint the candle with an essential oil like orange or cinnamon to enhance its energy.
  3. Light the candle and place a small bowl of water nearby to absorb stagnant energy.
  4. Let the candle burn while you engage in a creative activity, such as doodling, dancing, or journaling.
  5. Snuff out the candle when you feel creatively refreshed and ready to take action.

For Attracting Success & Opportunities

Orange is a magnet for success, confidence, and new opportunities. Whether you’re seeking career growth, a job change, or a personal breakthrough, an orange candle can help you manifest success.

orange candles For Attracting Success

How to do it:

  1. Sprinkle dried basil or bay leaves around the base of the candle for prosperity.
  2. Write a short note about the success you wish to attract and place it under the candle.
  3. Light the candle and allow it to burn for a set period each day (e.g., 10 minutes in the morning) while you focus on your work.
  4. Once the candle has burned completely, safely bury the remaining wax and the note in the earth as a symbol of planting your success.

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For Enhancing Confidence & Social Energy

Orange is a lively and sociable color, perfect for boosting confidence, charisma, and attracting friendships. If you want to feel more self-assured and outgoing, an orange candle can empower you.

orange candles For Enhancing Confidence

How to do it:

  1. Carry the unlit candle with you for a day, allowing it to absorb your personal energy.
  2. Before a social event, light the candle and wear something orange or gold to amplify confidence.
  3. As the candle burns, sip a warm citrus-infused drink to align yourself with the energy of joy and connection. You can also eat an orange if you wish.
  4. When the event is over, extinguish the candle and reflect on how you felt, noting any improvements in confidence.

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For Inviting Joy & Positivity

The vibrant energy of an orange candle is perfect for lifting your mood, releasing negativity, and inviting happiness into your life.

orange candles For Inviting Joy

How to do it:

  1. Create a small sachet of orange peels, cloves, and a written intention for joy.
  2. Light the orange candle and place the sachet near it to charge with uplifting energy.
  3. Once the candle has burned for a while, carry the sachet with you or place it under your pillow for ongoing positive vibes.
  4. Refresh the sachet’s contents periodically and repeat the ritual when needed.

Also read:
Joy Craft: 6 Ways to Manifest Happiness with Magic
A Spell to Bring Joy to a Negative Person

For Strengthening Personal Power & Motivation

If you need a boost of motivation or personal power to tackle challenges, an orange candle can ignite your inner drive.

orange candles For Strengthening Personal Power

How to do it:

  1. Create a small dish of honey and cayenne pepper to symbolize a balance of sweetness and strength.
  2. Light the orange candle and dip your finger into the mixture, dabbing a tiny amount onto your wrists.
  3. Speak a short mantra such as “I take action with courage and clarity.”
  4. Allow the candle to burn for a short period, then extinguish it and begin your task with renewed energy.

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For Working with Sun Energy

Orange is strongly connected to the Sun, representing vitality, growth, and abundance. Using an orange candle can help you tap into solar energy for strength, optimism, and renewed energy.

orange candles For Working with Sun Energy

How to do it:

  1. Place your orange candle in direct sunlight for a few hours before lighting it to charge it with solar power.
  2. Surround the candle with sun-related symbols like sunflowers, citrine, or The Sun tarot card. Light the candle at sunrise or noon, the peak of the Sun’s energy, to infuse your day with warmth and motivation.
  3. As the candle burns, say: “I call upon the Sun’s radiant energy to fill my life with strength, joy, and abundance.”
  4. Let the candle burn for a while, then extinguish it, knowing the Sun’s energy continues to uplift you throughout the day.

For Any Orange Magick Spell

Orange candles are often used in spells for success, motivation, joy, and creativity.

orange candles For Any Orange Magick Spell

How to do it:

  1. Dress the candle with dried orange peel or cinnamon for added energy.
  2. Burn a small piece of paper with your intention written on it, letting the ashes fall near the candle.
  3. Set your intention by physically engaging with an activity related to your goal while the candle burns.
  4. Allow the candle to burn completely or extinguish it when you feel the ritual is complete.


An orange candle is a powerful tool for bringing warmth, creativity, and positivity into your life.

Whether you’re looking to boost confidence, attract success, or simply bring more joy into your daily routine, the vibrant energy of orange can help illuminate your path.

Light your orange candle, set your intentions, and let its glow inspire and energize you!

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Tina Caro

Tina Caro is a witch with more than 10 years of experience, a yogi, an astrologer, and a passionate supporter of all things holistic! She’s also an owner of the website Magickal Spot where she discusses a variety of her favorite topics.

Magickal Spot has helped thousands of readers worldwide, and she’s personally worked with hundreds of clients and helped them manifest desires to have a happier and more abundant life.

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